Sunday, February 10, 2019

The Statesman & Criticism

When the Statesman is criticized, he considers the source of the criticism. Is he being criticized by the immoral and dishonest? He should ignore them mostly. Such people have the freedom to speak, but they have not earned the right to be heard. The Statesman should also consider why he is being criticized. Vice President Pence was criticized as a "prude" because he would not eat in a public restaurant with a woman except his wife. He should flatly ignore such sniping which apparently he did.

Saturday, February 09, 2019

The Statesman and the National Heritage

Statesmen work to preserve the best of their national heritage. For many nations in Europe and in the Americas, the religious heritage is Christian. Hungary's Foreign Minister, Péter Szijjártó, is aware of that. He said, "Hungary has been a Christian country for more than a millennium. The current government is a Christian democratic government which takes seriously the heritage of Christianity in Hungary and in Europe, and we’d like to preserve Europe as a Christian Europe. We want to preserve Hungary as Hungarian and as a Christian Hungary."

Was George Washington a Deist?

For decades, scholars claimed that George Washington  was a Deist, a man that believed in a Creator-God, but not the God of revelation. In this essay, I make the argument that George Washington was not a Deist.